Debussy is a package of programs implementing a fast approach to the Debye Scattering Equation (DSE) analysis for total scattering data from nanocrystalline and/or defective materials.
See J. Appl. Cryst. 2015, 48, 2026-2032.

Download the latest version and get started.

The Debussy package is made of two main suites: Claude and Debussy.

Claude (Crystalline LAyered User DatabasE ) allows the user to efficiently build atomic clusters with different size and shape.

Debussy (DEBye USer SYstem ) uses the previously created database(s) and carries out a fast calculation of the total scattering profile of each cluster that contributes to the total pattern, according to a suitable and adjustable size-distribution function.

Features of the software includes:

  • analysis on single- or multiple-phase specimens
  • fitting on one or more experimental data set simultaneously (e.g. SAXS and WAXS datasets)
  • fitting of data sets collected with synchrotron or laboratory instruments
  • all scattering amplitudes/factors of atomic species already encoded into the program
  • background components treated with experimental data or Chebyshev polynomials
  • modelling of lattice expansions or contractions varying with the crystal size

For more details on installation and usage please have a look at the About page.

If you have questions, contact us!